Wednesday 4 June 2008

It only took me four months ...

but I finally discovered how to use the bold and italic button, and, even put some colour into the posts. And change the font. Now I can't decide which one to use. You'll have to ignore this post, it's a guinea pig. I've find out how to make it bigger, yippee!

It's worrying me now, that my title of 'Chief Technophobe' may be slipping away from me ... I thought I should do something though, as when I had a quick check at my brother in law's house over the weekend - he with the 30 inch widescreen monitor - I could barely see it from the chair four feet away.

Shall I go back and amend every post? Hm, toughie.

On the whole, no. Maybe. Depends if I find a spare few hours. LOL.


Throg Niemand said...

Italics and bold are cool but spare a thought for us colour blind people. The word "put" was difficult, and the word "colour" was, appropriately, nearly impossible for me to read.

Throg Niemand said...

By the way, I challenge you to write a story with the following elements:
Person: Cain (of Cain and Abel)
Location: Valles Marineris
Word: floccinaucinihilipilification

Jaye said...

1. My apologies to colour blind people.

2. You just couldn't resist could you? Cain, ok, can probably work with that. Valles Marineris - is it located anywhere near Atlantis? Flocciwhatnot isn't even in my bloomin' dictionary. I'll rely on you to tell me exactly what it means. (I have heard it before - is it the longest word in the English language?)

And be in no doubt, I shall be thinking of revenege.

Jaye said...

And revenge.

Jaye said...

And revenge.

Jaye said...

Oh, for goodness sake! There must be a way to delete or amend the comments, surely!