Wednesday 21 May 2008

Rant of the Day (2)

Time for another one I think - what is it with pedestrians? Do they have a death wish? Firstly, this morning, I’m waiting patiently at the lights - they turn green - I set off - stupid woman decides to step in front of me. Oblivious, you think? No, actually, fully aware of what she was doing because she was watching the lights and waiting with a couple of others. So why with the jay-walking? Then on my way home, another one does it - daring me to run her over. I’d had a nice day though, why should I spoil it for myself?

So then we come to the schools: Kids, you expect it, don’t you, because they are a bit blasé about the dangers at that age and will chance their luck. But a mother, accompanying the child with a walking frame? She’s crossing at the section of road just in from a roundabout: There’s a lollipop lady thirty yards up the road (outside the school this kid had just come from). Twenty yards further up past the lollipop lady and there’s another primary school child being pulled back by her mother and chastised in very basic language and I can’t help myself: “There’s a Crossing Lady there, you ...” I’m afraid the wind took my words (which weren't as choice as hers, to be fair.)

Why do they do it? I remember driving round a bend in the same road some time ago and there’s a mother, holding a baby in her arms, darting out and back again because she’s on the blind side of another bend. And yes, there‘s a zebra crossing, literally ten yards away on the next bend, so you can see both directions. I just don’t get them. Is it any wonder so many kids are run over, when their parents haven’t shown them how to cross a road properly?

These people were lucky, they did it in front of me and I’m expecting it - but tomorrow or the day after, the driver will be distracted and BANG!

In case you’re wondering *enters self righteous mode* - I always take mine via the Lollipop Lady. Save a minute or lose your child? Hm, seems it’s a tough choice for some.

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