Tuesday 7 May 2013

3BT: Happy Tunesday

As you know, if you follow me on Twitter (via Blipfm), I had a bit of a Star Wars fest on Saturday (May the fourth etc ...) but it got me thinking about the wonderful composer that is John Williams, and how his memorable themes have graced some of the most iconic movies of a generation. The hard part is reducing them down to a trio. Since you can hear Star Wars here - I've resisted the urge and settled for these instead:

Harrison Ford is probably more synonymous with Indiana Jones now ...

... while this lovable little creature stole our hearts with an uplifting soundtrack - remember the cheering in the cinema, when the bikes took off?

And finally, clever producers knew there was only one man to turn to for the soundtrack to Harry's story.

I'm off to track down his 'Best of' on my Kindle ...


Wayne said...

Sounds like a great way to spend a day if you ask me. May the Fourth- Salute you.

Unknown said...

Thank you, I certainly enjoyed myself :)

Unknown said...

Ah, signed in on the wrong account - it is me, Jaye, I'm also part of the Rochester LitFest!

Wayne said...

Thank you for following me with this second account. I read up on the RLF and it's a very good idea. I saw the link to your blog on there too. We've never really spoken but I do check in with your blog often. It's a pleasure to 'meet' you, Jaye.

Jaye said...

And you Griever :)